Project Experience
We are proud to support our customers on ground-breaking projects at the leading edge of space exploration. Our team strives to develop and deliver innovative, high-value solutions to all of our commercial and government partners.
Here’s just a sample of customer projects we help fly.
Venturi Astrolab Lunar Rovers
Encore™ & STAGE™
Flight Software

Odyssey’s ENCORE™ flight software framework and STAGE™ development and test ecosystem were selected by Venturi Astrolab for implementation on their FLEX lunar rover. FLEX is being developed for combined commercial and NASA Lunar Terrain Vehicle applications. It will help Artemis astronauts explore more of the Moon’s surface on future missions.
Odyssey is also the principal development partner for the FLEX Flight Software and key simulation and training. Odyssey will develop and implement the Flight Software using ENCORE™ and STAGE™, create the astronaut training simulation and simulator and perform the Safety & Mission Assurance functions required by NASA – among other responsibilities for the Venturi Astrolab Team.
FLIP Technology Demonstrator, Launching late 2025
Ground Software

As part of Venturi Astrolab’s technology demonstration and risk reduction plan, Odyssey will deploy ENCORE™ driven Flight Software on FLIP – the FLEX Lunar Innovation Platform with the STAGE™ development and test ecosystem. Our team is also helping develop and test both ground and flight software for this important milestone project. This will be ENCORE™’s first spaceflight!
Space Test Program
Flight Software
Avionics Integration & Test

Odyssey is part of the Aegis Aerospace team supporting the Department of Defense (Space Force) Space Test Program. Odyssey supplies flight software solutions and operations support for multiple free flying satellites and external ISS payloads.
Dream Chaser
Flight Software

The Odyssey team has been selected to perform implementation and testing of the flight software for the Sierra Space Dream Chaser spaceplane. Dream Chaser will provide cargo transportation to and from the International Space Station as part of NASA’s Commercial Resupply Services 2 program. The vehicle is being designed to evolve for the accommodation of crew and for missions to other Low Earth Orbit destinations.
Odyssey’s role includes implementation and testing of the flight software suite for the entire mission – from launch to landing – with our Sierra Space customer. The work will be performed to the exacting technical and safety specifications required by Sierra Space and NASA at Odyssey’s locations in Houston, TX and our new location in Boulder, CO.
Guidance, Navigation & Control Flight Software
Avionics Integration & Test
Spaceflight Simulation & Analysis

Odyssey is part of the Lockheed Martin team supporting NASA’s Orion project. The Odyssey role includes development of vehicle guidance, navigation and control (GN&C), simulation and flight software development, and related analysis for the EM-1 demonstration mission and the EM-2 crew mission.
Odyssey also supports the Kedalion Lab located at the Johnson Space Center. Through Kedalion, Odyssey provides support to the Houston Orion Test Hardware (HOTH) lab for hardware and software in the loop simulations, the Integrated Test Lab (ITL) for hardware in the loop simulations with an Orion mockup, and Operation and Controls (O&C) to prepare the Orion flight vehicle for launch.
ISS Commercial Resupply Services
Spaceflight Simulation & Analysis

Odyssey is part of the Northrop Grumman Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) team selected by NASA to conduct cargo delivery services to the ISS as part of the Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) contract. Odyssey performs Independent Verification and Validation of safety critical Cygnus flight software focusing on trajectory and GN&C simulation and analysis.
Mission Control Center
Human Spaceflight Operations

Odyssey is part of the SGT/IMOC II team supporting NASA’s Flight Operations Directorate at the Johnson Space Center. Odyssey Flight Controllers support “Plan, Train, Fly” operations for the ISS, Visiting Vehicles to ISS, and Orion. Odyssey personnel currently support the following flight control disciplines:
ISS Rendezvous, Proximity Operations, and Capture
ISS Visiting Vehicles
Spaceflight Simulation & Analysis
Guidance, Navigation & Control

Odyssey is part of the NASA RPOC (Rendezvous, Proximity Operations, and Capture) team performing International Space Station (ISS) integration of free flying vehicles that operate in proximity to the ISS. Past and present vehicles supported include the European Space Agency ATV, the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency HTV and HTV-X, the SpaceX Cargo and Crew Dragon, the Northrop Grumman Cygnus, the Sierra Nevada Corporation Dream Chaser, the Boeing CST-100 Starliner.