We develop solutions to make space missions successful
Our highly skilled team provides the knowledge and hands-on experience to solve complex problems and offer effective solutions, helping our customers design, develop, test, deploy and operate space missions. We support advanced projects in both human and robotic spacecraft working with government and commercial partners.

Guidance, Navigation & Control Projects
ISS Visiting Vehicles
Odyssey performs GN&C safety evaluation of International Space Station crew and cargo visiting vehicles, including SpaceX Dragon and Crew Dragon, Northrop Grumman Cygnus, Sierra Nevada Corporation Dream Chaser, JAXA HTV and HTV-X, and Boeing CST-100 Starliner.

Guidance, Navigation & Control
Our team performs algorithm development, system design, analysis, integration, test and evaluation of GN&C systems for a variety of spacecraft and missions. Our GN&C solutions are applied to both spacecraft and ground-based flight dynamics systems across all phases of flight. We have recognized specialization with the unique demands of Rendezvous and Docking, Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery (FDIR) and Human Spaceflight.

Spacecraft Simulation & Analysis
We develop sophisticated spacecraft software algorithms and models to perform complex realtime and non-realtime spacecraft flight simulation and analysis using various environments and COTS tools. The simulations support key functions such as flight analysis, ground operations, flight control training, astronaut cockpit development, trajectory optimization, and mission design.

Spacecraft Simulation & Analysis Projects
Lunar Lander Simulation
Odyssey is developing models and simulations to support GN&C / trajectory design and analysis of missions to the surface of the Moon for technology demonstration, science, and crew transportation.

Flight Software Projects
Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle
Odyssey is part of the development team creating Flight Software for Orion primary and backup flight systems for GN&C and other system domains.

Flight Software
Odyssey performs flight software design, development, integration and testing of human and robotic spacecraft supporting both NASA and commercial customers. We use cutting edge tools to create cost effective, implementable solutions.

Avionics Integration & Test
Odyssey team members architect and implement solutions to integrate avionics hardware and ground systems with flight software and computer simulations to perform integrated analysis, testing, and verification of spacecraft systems and missions.

Avionics Integration & Test Projects
Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle
Odyssey team members play key roles in the architecture, development and operation of test and verification laboratories supporting exploration missions beyond Earth Orbit.

Flight Operations Projects
ISS & Exploration Flight Operations
Odyssey team members perform 24/7 flight control operations for the ISS, focusing on flight dynamics and propulsion systems.

Human Spaceflight Operations
We support 24/7 flight control operations in NASA’s Mission Control Center and develop mission planning and analysis tools for the International Space Station (ISS) and for human exploration of the solar system.